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I am not your typical politician. I have not spent years lining my pockets by giving taxpayer money to my biggest donors. I have not spent years becoming corrupted by a political system that has wreaked havoc on the lives of millions of hardworking Americans. I have not spent years becoming part of a machine that hides its true motivations from the masses and is accountable to no one. 

I am a blue collar worker and know the daily struggle of working harder and harder to try to make ends meet and fighting constantly to keep my head above water. I have made it through a public educational system that leaves so many of us unprepared to achieve higher levels of success in an economic system that becomes more unfair everyday. I have witnessed firsthand  and personally experienced the injustices of a criminal punishment system that has destroyed the lives of so many of both the innocent and the guilty and which is devoid of transparency, oversight, and accountability. 

This is why I am running because for far too long we have been represented by people that don't know our struggles but claim to be fighting for us. This is unacceptable and it is time for the people to be represented and not just the special interests.

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